Saturday, 24 August 2013

Shandon Street Festival

There is a great mural painted along the east side of Shandon Street. It was sponsored by the Shandon Street Business Association (SSBA) and the Shandon Area Renewal Association (SARA). I'm not sure who actually painted the work, however...

It shows a festival in full swing all around the Shandon area. it's a lovely lively piece with lots of nice touches, like clowns, the Butter Exchange Band and the Shandon Dragon!

FYI, the Shandon Street Festival takes place in June, while the Dragon of Shandon street parade takes place the night of 31 October.

I took all the below photographs in July 2012....

The piece is so big I had to photograph it in two pieces. This is the left side....

And this is the right side....

And here are some lovely details...

Here are the links for the Shandon Street Festival and the Dragon of Shandon Parade:

Here's a link to the Facebook page of the Cork Community Art Link. It has some photos of the festival and dragon and other area events:!/pages/Cork-Community-Art-Link/189692277413

Thursday, 15 August 2013

Lil' Holly

Psychonautes has painted a really lovely piece on a wall tucked away in Coburg Lane, next to the Flava Floors hip hop dance studio.

It's called "Lil' Holly" and shows a young girl gazing back at us from the wall. I think the piece was painted as part of the Live Styles hip hop festival back in June 2012. I photographed the piece a few months later in October 2012. The "Hello" name tag was done by Dusto.

Here are some links to other photos of this piece on Psychonautes' own Flickr page:

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Mario's Cork Walkabout

Following on from my last post, I'll continue in the admitedly rather narrow theme of "computer game characters running or walking across a wall" graffiti in Cork....

Today's piece is by Starman Super. It depicts Mario, a famous character seen in many Nintendo games like "Donkey Kong" and "Super Mario Brothers". I found and photographed this piece on Henry Street in July 2012.

Here is a link to Starman Super's own photo of this on Flickr, showing the entire piece before it was damaged by the elements:

Also, if you are into Mario, or at least into somewhat silly camera reviews, here's a link to Kai Wong's review of the luscious Fuji X-E1 camera on Digitalrev TV. It features a model running around Hong Kong dressed up as Mario. Enjoy!

Wednesday, 7 August 2013

The Urban Spaceman, Baby

The Mardyke Walk area has a number of cool, computer-game themed bits of graffiti on its walls. Today's post is one of the more charming pieces, some tense-looking spaceman figures running across a few bricks along the Walk.

Thanks to Psychonautes and Flickr, I know these figures are by Starman Super and they depict "Megaman" running. Cool....

I took these photos in September 2012.

Here is a link to Starman Super's Flickr page, where he has a photo of the above piece taken before it got damaged:

And, just in case you are interested, here is a link to a performance of the song "I'm The Urban Spaceman" by the Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band, circa 1968.... Enjoy!