Monday, 4 May 2015

From the Vault: The Running Man

Today, gentle readers, I bring you another chapter in my current "clearing out the vault" series of posts...

This piece was a paste-up that appeared on Patrick's Street in Cork soon after local athlete Rob Heffernan won a gold medal at the World Championships in Athletics in Moscow in August 2013. Mr. Heffernan came first in the men's 50k walk event, claiming Ireland's third ever gold medal at a World Athletics Championship.

The piece was made by Mr. Vincent Zara. You can see his name in the bottom left of the globe. I took these photos in August 2013.


Here are some links from the occasion of the great race...

First, here is a YouTube video of the race. Skip to about 27 minutes into the video to see the final minutes:

Here's a video of the medal ceremony:

Here's an RTE interview with Mr. Heffernan a few hours after his win:

This is an article about the race in The Irish Times:

And another in The Irish Examiner:

And last but not least, here's a trailer for that great 1987 film The Running Man, starring everyone's favourite thespian, Arnold Schwarzenegger:

And here's a Retrospective Review of this cinematic gem: