Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Enda and the Cat

Just a short post today about two small pieces located on Oliver Plunkett Street.

First, Mr. Vincent Zara recently put up a political piece portraying Mr. Enda Kenny (the current Taoiseach, or Irish Prime Minister) as a particular famous literary and Disney character...

Nearby is a nice paste-up of a cat. I'm not sure who it's by, but I like cats....


Not much to link to this time, but here is Enda Kenny giving a "State of the Nation Address" on YouTube:

Here is a trailer for Disney's film Pinocchio:

And here is a YouTube video of a cat playing ping pong:

Also worth checking out is the YouTube channel for Oskar and Klaus:

And last but certainly not least, here's a link to the "Simon's Cat" cartoons:

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