Saturday 25 May 2013

A Tale of Two Rorys

Actually, this is a very short tale. On my travels around the city last year, I came across this great piece on Washington Street West, with no name I could see, showing a guitarist in green jamming away, delighted with life.

A week or so after I found the above, I was checking out some of the street art along Tobin Street when I came upon another version of this piece. There was less of him there, but it was the same guitarist.

This time he was in blue, and the piece included the name of the artist - Vincent Zara. Mr. Zara does a lot of great portraits of the guitarist Rory Gallagher, so these two pieces are examples of his work in that vein.

Another version of this portrait, on canvas, was included in the exhibition of his work (called "Vincentzara Sells Out") earlier this year at The Pavilion pub in Carey's Lane. I nearly bought it. I probably should have, but someone else beat me to it while I was thinking it over. Oh well.

Here's a link to a photo of the piece on the walls of the Pav, courtesy of Mr. Zara's "Bookface" page:!/photo.php?fbid=295563533887174&set=pb.100003005906098.-2207520000.1373070164.&type=3&theater

Also, here's a link to a general photo of the exhibition on the walls of the pub:!/photo.php?fbid=295563460553848&set=a.108445375932325.15212.100003005906098&type=3&theater

Here is a link to an article on the Cork Arts Review website about that Vincent Zara exhibition at the Pav:

Also, here is a link to the cool poster for the show:

By the way, if you are not familiar with Rory Gallagher's music, check out this clip of him from the film of his 1974 Irish tour. The clip also provides some interesting views of Cork as it was 40 years ago....

The photos on this page were taken by me in August 2012.


The Rory on Tobin Street has a couple of interesting neighbours that I'll include here. First, on the left side, a pink frog....

On the other side, there is one of those signature skulls done by Psychonautes. And another pink frog. And some pink cross bones....

We'll cover more of the other pieces along Tobin Street another time.

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