Thursday 31 July 2014

LiveStyles, Cork 2014 - Part 3 - Camden Palace

In this post, I'll share the pieces around the Camden Palace Hotel that were painted during the recent 2014 LiveStyles Hip Hop (and street art) Festival, which took place over the June Bank Holiday weekend.

A lot of these you will have already seen as works in progress in Part 1 of this series, as I posted pictures I snapped of some of the artists at work on the Bank Holiday Monday.

Most of these pieces are on Pine Street, but one by Foundry is around the corner on Devonshire Street...

The new piece is next to a piece Foundry did during last year's LiveStyles Fest...

Meanwhile, back on Pine Street...

Some great portraits by Psychonautes...

This is a colourful mural that I think was a collaborative piece between OneR and Marca Mix...

Foundry did another piece on Pine Street...

The rest of the wall on Pine Street is taken up with a beautifully mad mural that was started last year by Nol and was finished this year by him and Edo...

This is the original piece painted last year...

For more great work by these artists, check out the following LINKS!

Foundry's Facebook page:

Foundry's Flickr page:

Psychonautes' Facebook page:

Psychonautes' Flickr page:

OneR's Facebook page:

OneR's Flickr page:

Marca Mix's Flickr page:

Nol's Facebook page:

Nol's Flickr page:

Edo's Facebook page:

Edo's Flickr page:

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